
Do you love word search games? Create your own or play it for free at

Word Search Games at Nepazing Do you love word search games? I definitely do. From hundreds of website that offers word search games, I am here today to discuss the best that I feel at  Play existing games   Nepazing offers hundreds of free already built games. You just need to choose one and start playing. The next random games are automatically selected once you finished the round or you can anytime go for the next one.   Try it here at Nepazing Word search Games   Create your own Word Search at Nepazing You can generate or create your own word search games at Nepazing too. In-fact as they say, there are hundreds of teachers and students alike creating and playing it daily for recreational as well as educational purposes.   Each of the Word Search puzzle falls under 3 categories.   A general word finder.   Puzzle with a question (no clues provided)   Words and clues which you can use as a set of quiz. ...

थारु जाति विहारमा शरण लिन जाँदैनन् : राजकुमार लेखी !!

२९ भदौ, काठमाडौं । थारु आन्दोलनकारीले संविधानसभाबाट जारी हुन लागेको संविधानलाई आंशिकरुपमा स्वागत गर्ने भएका छन् । मधेसवादी आन्दोलनकारीले संविधान अस्वीकार गर्ने चेतावनी दिइरहेका बेला थारुहरुले भने संविधानलाई स्वीकार गर्दै थप अधिकारका लागि संघर्ष गर्ने भएका छन् । थारुवान थरुहट संयुक्त आन्दोलनका एक कमाण्डर तथा वार्ता टोली सदस्य समेत रहेका थारु नेता राजकुमार लेखीले संविधानका धारा पारित भइरहँदा थारु आन्दोलनका अधिकांश माग सम्बोधन भएको बताए । लेखीले अनलाइनखबरसँग भने- ‘हाम्रो आन्दोलन उत्ष्कर्षमा पुगेपछि तीनदलका नेताहरु बाध्य भएर धर्म निरपेक्षता कायम गर्ने, संवैधानिक थारु आयोग र समावेशी समानुपातिक व्यवस्था राख्न सहमत हुनु सकारात्मक कुरा हो ।’ लेखीले अब थारु समुदायको असन्तुष्टि प्रदेशहरुको सीमांकनमा मात्र बाँकी रहेको प्रष्ट पारे । थारुको मागबमोजिम प्रदेशको सीमांकन मिलाउन पनि प्रधानमन्त्रीलगायत प्रमुख दलका शीर्षनेताहरु अनौपचारिक रुपमा सकारात्मक रहेको उनले बताए । लेखीले भने- प्रधानमन्त्री सकारात्मक हुनुहुन्छ, अरु नेता पनि सकारात्मक छन्, तर एकाध नेताले सीमांकनको मुद्दा सम्बोधन गर्न अवरोध हाले...

"WWF Partners in New 5-Year Program to Help Restore Nepal’s Forests and Combat Climate Impacts "

A five-year program to reduce the impacts of a changing climate and threats to biodiversity and local people in Nepal, called Hariyo Ban, was launched this week in Kathmandu. The program, funded by USAID, is being led by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in partnership with a consortium of leading conservation organizations in Nepal – CARE, the Federation of Community Forestry Users in Nepal (FECOFUN) and the National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC). Climate change poses a major threat to the people and biodiversity of Nepal. More than 10 million people are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change in Nepal. Glacier retreat in the Himalayas has increased the risk of glacier lake outburst floods, which could have devastating consequences for downstream communities, infrastructure, property and wild animals. Increasingly intense and frequent forest fires, floods and landslides also threaten biodiversity and livelihoods in the region. Hariyo Ban, which means “green forests” ...

"Dry ports to boost India's trade" ::

The Union government is considering a pact with neighbouring countries for development of dry ports, to global standards. The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Unescap) is trying to help Asian countries reach an agreement. A dry port is an inland terminal directly connected by rail or road to a sea port, providing services for handling, temporary storage, inspection and customs clearance for international freight. India has 155 places so notified, with 89 in the development stage. In the north, Tughlakabad (Delhi) and Dadri (Uttar Pradesh), already functioning as inland container depots (ICDs), could be integrated with dry ports in Pakistan. Similar integration could be had for Mulund in Mumbai and another in south Bangalore. “Such ports will be connected through roads and railways, resulting in development of infrastructure in these corridors. This will bring down cost for traders and provide them greater access to international markets, there...

"3 held with drugs in Birgunj " ::

RSS PARSA: Police apprehended three youths while being involved in smuggling prohibited drugs in Parsa on Wednesday night. A squad deputed from Police Post Inarwa arrested Sunil Shrestha (17) of Dhungepatan of Kaski district with 75 pieces of TT and same number of Nitro vat tablets, according to District Police Office, Parsa. Similarly, the police squad held Sikendra Giri (16) with 180 pieces of TT from Narayangadh of Chitwan at around 11.30 last night. In yet another move, Border Police Post, Chhapkaiya caught Nitesh Thakur (18) of Motihari in Bihar State of India with 120 tablets of Nitro vat. [[... Read more at " 3 held with drugs in Birgunj " ::]]

"तिर्थाटनका लागि हिडेकाहरु दुर्घटनामा, १८ को मृत्यु " ::

इनरुवा, कार्तिक २४ - सुनसरीको भरौल गाविस-२ मा यात्रु चढेको ट्याक्टर नहरमा खस्दा १८ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । धनुषाबाट सुनसरीको बराह क्षेत्र जाँदै गरेको ज.१.त ४५५३ नम्बरको ट्याक्टर सुनसरी मोरङ सिचाई आयोजनाको मूल नहरमा बिहान ५ बजे पल्टेको थियो । सुनसरीका प्रहरी उपरीक्षक राजु मानन्धरका अनुसार ट्रली इन्जनबाट छुटि्एर नहरमा पल्टिंदा ट्रलीले किचेर १७ जना र उपचारका क्रममा धरानमा १ जनाको निधन भएको छ । मृतकहरु मध्ये १६ महिला र २ जना पुरुष छन् । मृतकहरु सबै धनुषाको तारापट्टी सिर्सिया-४ का हुन् । उनीहरु सबै तिर्थाटनका लागि बराह क्षेत्र जाँदै थिए । प्रहरीका अनुसार मृतकहरु धर्मराज यादव,मन्तुरीया देवी यादव, पारो देवी यादव,रीता देवी यादव,कुमरदेवी यादव,सुमिन्द्रा मुखिया,भुवनेश्वर यादवी श्रीमती(नाम नखुलेको) र सुमित्रा यादव छन् । त्यस्तै अम्बीका कुमारी यादव,भूली देवी यादव,राजकुमार यादवकी श्रीमती(नाम नखुलेको),फुलकुमारी यादव,हरिचरण यादवकी श्रीमती-नाम नखुलेको),सुकदेव मुखीयाकी श्रीमती(नाम नखुलेको),कुमारी यादव र बिपो यादवी श्रीमती(नाम नखुलेको)को उक्त दुर्घटनामा मृत्यु भएको प्रहरीले जानकारी दिएको ...

"मैं और मेरी कवितायेँ... " ::

आज फिर जी लिया फुर्सत के पलों में खुद को आज फिर देखा खुले आसमान में उड़ते पक्षियों को हर दिशा में स्वच्छंद होकर मैं भी उड़ चली धीरे-धीरे उनके पीछे-पीछे... देखो लौट आये हैं सबके सब थक हारकर अपने-अपने घोसलों में पूरी करके अपनी-अपनी खोज... और मैं उड़ रही हूँ अब भी बिना रुके बिना थके पंख फैलाये अनंत आकाश में अब भी यहीं हूँ एक तलाश में... मेरे लिए महत्वपूर्ण है गति और निरंतरता रफ़्तार धीमी हो या हो तेज़ पहुंचा ही देती है गंतव्य तक एक ऐसा गंतव्य जहाँ पहुंचकर भी लगता है बाकी है अब भी कुछ कुछ शेष है अभी भी ... यही भावना है जो बल देती है मेरे पंखों को जोश भरती है मेरी उड़ान में एक अनंत उड़ान मेरे विचारों की उड़ान....  [[.. Read more at " मैं और मेरी कवितायेँ... " ::]]